This green and black morph of auratus is the hobby standard of auratus. It has been in captivity since at least the 1980s. It has endured popularity trends and has stuck around as a perennial favorite of many keepers because of its bright and highly contrasting green and black marbled pattern and its bold temperament.
There are at least three lines of Costa Rican auratus in the hobby:
‘Old Line‘: Represents those Costa Rican auratus that have been in the hobby for the past two decades or more and entered the hobby during the 1980’s and 1990’s.
CRARC Line: Costa Rican Amphibian Research Center which is a site specific frog from the CRARC reserve, captive bred at the reserve by Brian Kubicki and legally imported by Understory Enterprises since 2011.
Siquirres Line: Locality specific. Bred in Costa Rica and exported as captive born. Started to be imported in 2013. These are different from the CRARC frogs.