There are at least three different Panamanian blue and black morphs of auratus in the hobby.
Continue reading “Blue and Black”Dendrobates Auratus Types and Localities
There are at least three different Panamanian blue and black morphs of auratus in the hobby.
Continue reading “Blue and Black”Auratus with a general green and black appearance that were known to be from Panama but lack location or morph data are referred to as ‘Panamanian Green and Black.’ This morph started coming into the hobby during the early 2000’s as part of the farm-raised imports and has subsequently been imported on several occasions. It is likely that these frogs are a lowland morph from areas on the Pacific side of Panama as they differ significantly from the Caribbean morphs such as Bocas and Portobelo. However no location data is known for these auratus. Their coloration is not as vibrant as other “green and black” morphs of auratus. This morph of auratus has green markings on a dark brown body.
Continue reading “Panamanian Green & Black”The reticulated morph of auratus in the hobby is a line of the Hawaiian auratus that produce individuals with a highly reticulated pattern of greenish-gold on a dark brown background. These auratus have been maintained for years as a separate morph, but are known to be a line bred trait of the Hawaiian auratus. It is generally accepted in the hobby to either maintain them as a line, or mix them back with more typically patterned Hawaiian auratus.
Continue reading “Reticulated”In 1932 a total of 206 auratus were collected from the Island of Taboga and introduced onto the Hawaiian Island of O’ahu as a biological control against mosquitoes. The population of these frogs on O’ahu is intact to this day. Frogs from this Hawaiian population have entered the hobby several times over the years. ‘Reticulated’ auratus in the hobby come from this population.
Continue reading “Hawaiian”This morph originates from Taboga Island off the Pacific coast of Panama. It is a smaller morph which shows a pattern of dark brown with greenish-gold markings. This morph of auratus has been imported many times over the years, especially since 2004. Since all the auratus on Taboga Island are part of one population, all Taboga auratus in the hobby can be bred together no matter what import year they originate from.
Continue reading “Taboga”As the name suggests, this morph is from Nicaragua. Nicaragua is the northern most range of Dendrobates auratus, and the morph found there is considered the Caribe morph, which extends along the Caribbean coast through Costa-Rica and into Panama. It is a green and black morph originating from the eastern side of the country.
Continue reading “Nicaraguan”This green and black morph of auratus is the hobby standard of auratus. It has been in captivity since at least the 1980s. It has endured popularity trends and has stuck around as a perennial favorite of many keepers because of its bright and highly contrasting green and black marbled pattern and its bold temperament.
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